

       silicone wash face brush

     Unlike nylon bristles, silicone wash face brush are non-porous, meaning they are resistant to bacterial buildup and a whopping 35 times more hygienic than standard nylon brushes. When it comes to cleansing your skin, there's really no comparison when it comes to silicone material is the safest and cleanest option.

     There are so many various "suggested" methods of cleansing—it can be overwhelming to keep up. When a new method comes out, we all get super excited, hoping the new tool or technique will keep our skin clear and glowy like never before. It doesn't always work like that. But, the right cleansing tool can be a serious upgrade for your skin. 

     Silicone beauty products have become popular as alternatives to cleansing with your hands. For some of us, finger-cleansing doesn’t feel effective enough and we’ve all heard of horror stories of how loofahs can be breeding grounds for bacteria. But what about silicone brush cleaner? Are they really effective in cleansing and exfoliating? Are they gentle enough on the skin? The answer is "yes".

     Apply your favorite gentle cleanser to your face, wet the brush and use it to massage the cleanser into your skin. Use soft circular motions applying gentle pressure. When you have washed your entire face, rinse your face and brush with warm water. Pat your skin dry, then apply your usual moisturizer and sunscreen.